League Info
Viking Encyclopedia
Everything you need to know about our league.
Below you'll find link to all page sites you can read to learn about various topics surrounding our very own Viking Championship League that's taking place on Sundays at Tarzana rec.
Fall season starts September 9th and ends December 13. Spring season start March and ends May
Location & Time:
Louis Armstrong Middle School, 5041 Sunnyslope Ave, Sherman Oaks. 9am-3pm. Lower grades will typically play first.
K-5th grade. Boys and girls separated.
Sign ups, Schedules & Communication:
Everything will be made through TeamSnap as soon as you've been placed in a team. Need help to be placed in a team? Click Team placement button and fill out the basic info. You pay registration, practice fee (The fee differ if your team practice once or twice a week) and league fee. ​​
Uniforms + Equipment information:
We require both the blue and yellow jerseys. Blue is for Home team & Yellow is for Away team. Only 1x pair of the blue shorts and socks required.
Read about our Terms and Conditions:​
Further questions, email us at nordicamericanthletics@gmail.com or text us at 818-8739504.